A great musician and producer from the band Hollywood Undead who started his own solo project. He is still with Hollywood Undead though.
Deuce fucking ruleess!!
by Aubree Undead February 20, 2008
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Calling the second turn on a joint/pipe/bong/blunt. Comes after greens (calling first turn on a smoking session)
When Todd called greens, i instantly called deuces.
by Mikey Led April 11, 2009
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Angel"Nigga you got my money"
by MilwaukeeRican5 July 22, 2010
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1.) Another word for saying "Peace". It has the same hand sign as Peace but instead it's called by the number of fingers you throw up, hence deuces.
2.) The nice and more politically correct way of saying douche. Instead of calling somebody a douchebag you call them a deucebag. ie: see Stewie from Family Guy
3.) Stewie Griffin's favorite insult.
1.) J.R: " Aite ya'll I'm out of here."
Jeremy: "Aite bruh, deuces!!!!"
2.) Chris: "Man, Dalen is such a douchebag!!"
Rocko: " I know man, but you can't say douchebag, it's politically incorrect."
Chris: "Fine he's a deucebag then."
by WONDEROO!! July 11, 2008
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1. A Word used in place of a swear word. 2A Word used in place of the word devil often as in a mild swear or oath.
2. The face of a die or card having a face of 2.
3. Noun or transitive verb: 1. A tie in Tennis after both opponents have scored 40 points and need only two consecutive points to win the game/set. T 2.The act of bringing the score in a Tennis game/set to a tie.
1. "What the deuce are you talking about?"
2. "He rolled a deuce."
3. "Alice scored a point, bringing both them to a deuce."
by Non-available October 8, 2007
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used by pot smokers as a word to call dibs or second turn on a joint. whoever rolls the J gets to go first then whoever calls deuce first goes second. 'trace' is third
DEUCE!!!!! hahhaha i said it first! pass the j mon..
by kirk420 April 11, 2011
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A form of sayin goodbye..mostly used in teenagers..and when they are leaving they "throw up" the pointer and middle finger and say the expression," Deuce" which just means, "see you later".....kind of like saying, "peace out!"
Saying as leaving a group of friends and throwing up the pointer and middle finger........
"chunk deuce"
by da names [Marilyn] November 26, 2005
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