the caressing and insertion of testicles into the vag. this primarily done with guys who have penis’s too small to actually be used.
hey bro stop nut fuckin my girl!
by NutFucker January 23, 2019
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When you beat the fuck out yo dick, but then the moment you cum you realize you just watched or thought of the worst shit ever and you probably goin to hell now!
Yea my day ain't been goin well, woke up this morning and had a oh fuck nut! Thought of that chubby skank Jessica but then I realized she's a filthy cunt and I shouldn't have touched myself to her
by BryJ December 18, 2018
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1: A person who is so incredibly retarded that they do literally everything in the dumbest fuckin way possible

2: A person who makes insanely idiotic mistakes on a hourly to daily basis and is too stupid to

A: Fix them.

B: Realize they did something retarded in the. first place
A: Omfg George wth are you doing? Why are you such a fuck nut?

B: My brothers are a bunch of fuck nuts.

C: Melissa doesn't realize how much of a fuck up she is, she's such a fuck nut
by TabrisDefinitions January 28, 2023
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a fun nickname for your loving wife
-you're my one and only fuck nut <3
-i love you so much, brian
by muffinman4ever February 19, 2021
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Fuck-nut; the rated R version of "loose cannon" is an insult implying that the recieving end is incapable of basic human thought, therefore indicating a need to be insulted. This is where "fuck-nut" comes in. Walk up to this "individual" and as if a magician saying abbracadabra, say it straight to their dumb fucking face.
"Excuse me kind sir."
"Yes my friend?"

"You are a bonafide fuck-nut!"
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