1. The process of consuming your chicken nuggets at ferocious pace

2. Rippin' the heed aff it
'Christ, Dave is that a share box you've got you animal?!'
'Aye Jim, am gan hame tae tan ma nuggs.. and then eat these'
by tidy_lid March 13, 2018
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1) A disgusting little nugget of marijuana that's hardly smoke-able.

2) Something that is really lame. Person, place, etc.
1) Ewww. Don't smoke that nugg-o, it might be laced.

2) Yo Alex, you're a straight nugg-o.
by thug-muffin-2012 February 18, 2009
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a man that can make you feel like a complete princess. its near impossible not to fall in love with his killer smile and sensual guitar playing. loves jesus, golf, football, beef jerky, working out and his girlfriend <3 he raps like a 'pro', does great impressions, and can kick some ass if necessary. and hes hella sexy
ask your mom about t nugg from the south. ;)
by PRINCE$$! March 25, 2011
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what someone says if they were smuggling chicken nuggets.
TSA: why do you have 67 chicken nuggets in your asshole

brian: i have chicken nuggs in my anus lol
by fat sealandish fish March 16, 2023
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A way to dramatically convey an idea or point
Well that’s a Farken darken nuggs of an idea!
by Razberries February 4, 2021
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A ps3 live name for idiots and just plain wierdos who think there cool but actually dumb.most of the time they are skaters and when they're online they act like their badasses but they are not. They are weird gays who sleep with gay guys and eat pig testicles,henceforth that where swagg bacon nuggs come from. Swagg means sleeping with gay guys and bacon nuggs are pig testicles.
Bobby is such a swagg bacon nugg.

Evritt's name online was swagg bacon nuggs.
by James1015262672726 November 10, 2012
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