When 2 or more people jizz in their hand and proceed to shake the other's hand with jizz still intact on the other's hand.
Me and John gave each other a milkshake after a good circle jerk
by JordanThaMan7 October 7, 2017
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(n) When a person orders a Milkshake of any flavor from any restaurant in an attempt to dump it on somebody. (Most notably political figures) (Past/Present/Future tense: Milkshaked/Milkshaking/Milkshake)
Person 1: Did you hear Carl Benjamin got Milkshaked a few days ago?
Person 2: Yeah, I was planning on Milkshaking him at his next speech.
by AxolotlLinguini May 19, 2019
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The practice of pouring a dairy-based beverage (mainly a milkshake) on a right-wing political figure in protest of their beliefs.
"Is Nigel Farage in town?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm going milkshaking then..."
by Dredex May 21, 2019
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Would you people shut the hell up about that milkshake song!? You've mentioned it *counts* 9 TIMES, I think we get it. Sillies, a milkshake is a tasty treat you get by mixing ice cream with milk..or something. Yummers!
by Tifa November 25, 2003
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yo all r really stupid...

a girl's milkshake.. is "the way she carries her shit".. her walk, her ass, her body, whatever makes her hott.... her "stuff
by boombasticbitch November 27, 2003
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1. A girl's body; the way she carries it.
2. An actually good drink if your a non-song human.
3. A somwhat cheesy song by Kelis.
1. Damn, that girl has a good milkshake.
2. This new milkshake that came out at the store was really delicious.
3. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and their right, it's better than yours. Damn right, it's better than yours.
by MakerOfMemes June 12, 2017
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