To bend an ear, specifically Strickland's ear.
Strickland (the bean): oh fuck theres a furry lobing me
by Beartings January 18, 2020
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Exactly what it says
The lobes between a womans legs
"nice cuntal lobes bro" or "your a cuntal lobe"
by Batmans prodigy February 29, 2012
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The doctor starts to probe lobes, only to find that your bodily hygeine is oh, oh so bad."

You taking a q-tip and shoving into one ear, then the other, as you probe lobes,despite the implicit instructions not to, you find wax so old, it could only be conserved in one of those weird museums on a beach strip."

The annual examination your doctor gives, when he puts a light spectrum to your ear to probe lobes, to check out see what's going on, to you nothing, to him, a lighted slick based adventure."
"This ringing in my ear, has got to stop, I'm glad I have an HMO, my doc can probe lobesand see if I have tinnitus."

"I've been sticking q-tips in my ears for years, but when I do the double probe lobes, all I find is more wax build up, my doctor doesn't seem to get that somehow there's a safer way to get it out of there."

"Ya know, if you probe lobes, you might hear a little better, yo, it's like your deaf or something, man, wassup?
by writah' May 17, 2008
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When you pay a condescendingly small denomination of money to a dumb hipster girl to stick your dick in the hole of the loose hanging flesh that comprises her previously-gauged earlobe.
Can't get that annoying hipster girl to give up the pussy? Ever tried to lease-a-lobe?
by HeyitsGinoB69 September 15, 2015
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1)a dear friend that you love but does absolutely idiotic things all the time.

2)the floppy bit of a penis
Mate you are an absolute dill lobe
by Granny butt plugs January 13, 2018
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