Anybody of Mexican descent. The name was given to them because many of the non-English speaking Mexicans came into this country illegally, which in other words, "jumped the border" thus earning them the nickname Border Jumper
Que te lasima que casa a hola nuevos?
What the fuck did you just say you border jumper?!?!
by Julio August 11, 2004
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A person of such mental retardation that they attempt to jump off the bridge in Tol Barad Peninsula to escape fatal pvp combat.
Wow, did you guys just see my man Darkcheddar go full Bridge Jumper trying to get away from Manglespam as he was pushing his shit in.
by Fauxven February 18, 2011
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A white woman with the insatiable hunger for the black rod. Even though they will be paying for the meals, and the nights out at 'da club', and taking her share of beatings, the smoke jumper will continue to date black guys, especially after she has a half breed baby, considering no white man would want her ruined gash after she has a black guy in her.
"Dude, that chick's a smoke jumper, and her boyfriend's in jail. I'll bet her father's really proud."
by Frank Hotdog November 12, 2006
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Noun. Someone who jumps from one player organization in a game to another organization repeatedly within a short period of time.
Blacktoe is such a guild jumper, he joined and left five guilds within a two month's time frame.
by stupidroro February 10, 2010
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A way to descibe a man who likes to hit on younger ladies
Oh my god how much younger is his girlfriend he's well got his blue jumper on !!!
by Smokey mc budgie December 4, 2009
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U.S. Army Airborne slang for the phenomenon in which one has to shit so badly it could blow at any moment.

Having 'Jumpers in the door' is an emergency situation usually characterized by a frantic race to the toilet, and in which if a bathroom facility is not located immediately a huge mess in one's underwear could occur.

The actual phrase is coined after a chalk of U.S. Army paratroopers awaiting the green light during an Airborne operation, so they may exit the aircraft -- particularly the number 1 jumper who is waiting directly in front of the door for the light to change.

The civilian equivalent of this expression are, Turtlehead poking our, or TTF - Turd Touching Fabric
Dude #1, "Hey man, why are you walking like that? Where are you going in such a hurry??"

Dude #2, "Can't talk right now bro, got Jumpers in the door.."
by ABN_PMPN505 November 22, 2011
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A white woman who dates black guys.
When’s that smoke jumper gonna straighten out and get with a white guy?

by dougie fresh September 16, 2003
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