The literal translation is "fat liver” in French, but Poles have since applied this by injecting alcoholic beverages via a “tube” (shot glass) into humans. This is a good o’l Polish tradition of treating foreigners and guests for that matter by Polish peak of engineering invention: “the Polish foie gras” 🍸 🦆 . This process is usually pleasant while it occurs. During the process Poles tend to shout “na zdrowie” and pour vodka down fellow drinkers throat 😀.
Richard, would you like to come to a Polish wedding? No, sorry Tomasz, I have had too much Polish foie gras in the past week, I need to rest. Ok, Richard I understand - I will see you later tonight.
by ToMassman September 18, 2019
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A wild run through the streets while holding your shirt up, revealing your chest.
Chris was so drunk last night, I caught him doing a Mardi Gras Run through the streets.
by Da Dancin Ninja August 12, 2009
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When you take mardi gras beads and wrap it around your dick..
The Mardi Gras Missile was the old school version of ribbed for her pleasure
by sandman142 August 17, 2010
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The process of eating a huge amount of food very quickly, stuffing oneself to the point of making one feel as if he/she is a duck force-fed to grow its liver for harvest
A: I'm so baked, I'm going full foie gras on that pizza as soon as it gets here.
(30 second pause)
B: You baked a pizza?
(30 second pause)
A: What? No, I ordered it from Domino's.

(30 second pause)
B: Domino's sells pizza with foie gras? That's some fancy shit.
A: Wait. What? Never mind.
by azlefty July 18, 2015
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The cancer patient was in agony, but when he got a fatal dose of painkillers it was his coup de gras, releasing him from the pain he has suffered for the past few months.
by Captainjman February 5, 2012
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Fat Tuesday, the day before Lent.

A term for the festival held in rio de jenairo

A street parade for gay men and women
"We're going to the Mardi Gras, baby"
by mofo February 29, 2004
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