(This is something that needs to be addressed) This is a generation consisting of Gen Z - A (1995-1998) and Gen Z - B (1999-2006).

Gen Z - As are those who were raised around or primarily hung out with late millennials and learned from them, are more intelligent, and the ultimate memeists. Nothing phases them and they have been through and seen enough shit that nothing phases them at this point not even death.

Gen Z - Bs are the part of the gen z generation with the most significant amount of people who LGBTQ+ applies to, experience depression and bipolar and possibly even DID or some type of personality disorder, and do a lot of dumb shit like bringing about the tide pod movement, to which Gen Z - As responded with memes after Karens proclaimed their outrage with the situation across Facebook - “Welcome to the Thunderdome! ;)” - and the Karens became even more enraged.

Basically in a nutshell late Gen Zs do a lot of dumb shit for clout. Early Gen Zs encourage them to get memes out of it for that mint content. Karens get mad. Early Gen Zs then proceed to antagonize the Karens further just because it’s fun and for the memes.

Now there is some outliers that end up on either side that act as if they should be on the opposite or act as if they belong to a completely different generation. I like to call it the wild card phenomenon. You’re welcome :)
Gen Z - B: Hey everyone watch me fit as many tide pods as I can into my mouth at once!

Gen Z - A: *makes memes (such as) tide pod cereal bowl or the Ajax can meme*

Karen: *expresses outrage over the danger of eating tide pods and death and attempts to condemn Gen Z - A for enticing or encouraging the Gen Z - B*

Gen Z - A: (knowing damn well the danger of eating tide pods because they wouldn’t have made the memes to joke about how dumb it is, but also taking into consideration nothing will stop the ticking time bomb that is a Gen Z - B) *responds to Karen sarcastically to antagonize them for fun* “Oh this must be your first day on the internet.. Welcome to the Thunderdome! :)”

Gen Z - A: *makes memes about Karens crying*
by John Hwick January 15, 2023
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Kids born after 2000. Telltale signs of a Gen Z person are an attention span less than a goldfish's, pulling out their phone every 5 seconds, saying "fuck" in almost every sentence and calling random adults boomers.
by CattyMeowy December 13, 2022
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A group of people who post memes with no context and like to go on Urban Dictionary just to read the definition of “Gen Z” (*Ahem* you)
Boomer: Yo look at that young child
Gen X: He probably listening to drip or whatever kids call it
Millennial: He do be vibin’ tho
Gen Z: Snoop Dogg be bussin and look at my 🍆 (eggplant)
by International Idiot March 17, 2022
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Suic3dal teens telling suic3dal teens that suic3de isn't the answer.
Gen-z teen 1: I cant do this anymore
Gen-z teen 2:please dont do it? For your animal or friend?
by Jupiter_and_neptune March 11, 2022
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we are a damn force to be reckoned with! we eat dangerous things for fun, troll the talking Cheeto puff for fun, troll fox news for fun, are going to begin the revolution and can and will laugh at anything. most of the older ones (from 10 to like the cap of gen z) are somewhere on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.
gen z guy:haha would if we all just sniped trump? lol
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