A Christ follower can be a Christian or a person that follows the teachings of teaches Christ.Most Christ followers are Christians, and they do not like to use the world Christian,because it has been abused by phony people claiming ot be Christian when they are not.Christ follower is also used in New Age theology, to where you support the teachings of Christ, and you are living to gain the Christ consciousness.
I really like the term Christ Follower,because it tells people that I follow Christ, and do not religion of Christianity. A true Christian is a Christ follower.
by PseudoMan2012 July 25, 2009
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Your back up or The people that help you out
Franky: Yo None of yall niggas got my Follow up. Yall gonna let them take my Shit.
by SleepingGhost567 January 11, 2014
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When breaking violent wind allows a chocolate mini-egg to escape.
by Darren Jones June 12, 2003
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If you follow somebody on social media, following back is if they are to follow you after you followed them.
@instagram says; I followed you, follow back?
@john says; Already following you!
by bIurryface June 28, 2015
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Envy caused by the large number of followers one has on Twitter.
After seeing that my buddy has almost 21,000 people following him on Twitter, I will be the first to admit that I have a serious case of follower envy.
by TheMaxDaddy March 9, 2009
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A British colloquial term, loosely meaning to do whatever you like, regardless of the consequences.
Dominic Cummings was "following the science" when he drove to Durham whilst infected with Covid-19.

Matt Hancock was "following the science" when he gave a Covid equipment contract to his inexperienced neighbour.

The British people plan to "follow the science", by meeting up in large groups at Christmas.
by HealthSecretary November 26, 2020
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some one who has no weed so follows others arond who do in order to 'bum a couple of draws'
zoot follower: hey guys recon i can catch a few draws on that ive got some tobacco to put in

dude: errrrrrrhh no
by bowwzzzzzz January 9, 2010
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