Dingus comes from the German word Dinges meaning "Thing"
by Johnnie December 2, 2004
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A dinguth ith thomebody that thpeaks with a lithp due to the retainer that they have to conthithtently wear. A dinguth will often try to hide their dinguth nature with a calm and collected facade, conthtantly holding back their quirky and thpathtic nature. Dinguthes are naturally very clumthy and are always tripping over rugs or mats. Though a dinguth may have you shaking your head from time to time, their quirky and clumthy nature can alwayth make you laugh. See turkey.
Swoll guy Matt: Hey Jocelyn, have you seen my insane gains?
Jocelyn: Yeah I thaw you flexing and tripped over a rug and almost lotht my retainer!
Swoll guy Matt: You're such dingus!
by Sporkaphobic July 2, 2015
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Basically the word "Dingus" is just another word for stupid, just like the word "Dickhead".
For example,

"Keep it steady, dingus!"

"Yeah, like some dingus kids would actually beat me in an argument."

"Well no shit, dingus. What did you expect? Of course that Prostitute you did had one or more STD's. Did you see how she looked?
by M.C.Shithead December 8, 2013
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A weirdo; a pupil who knows nothing. he/she thinks the earth revolves around themselves.

Singular: Dingus

Plural: Dingi
"Gosh!!!" Jonathon, Why do you continue to act like a dingus?
by gopher27 June 11, 2014
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someone who is goofy, someone who is not stupid; but acts as if they are stupid.

or they're seriously just freaking stupid -.-
harry fucking styles
by rayray202 July 30, 2013
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Josh: " I broke my leg doing backflips off my roof"
Sam: " dude, you are such a dingus"
by pithyul May 23, 2015
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You are all a bunch of morons. Pick up a REAL dictionary for once.

Main Entry:

Dutch or German; Dutch dinges, probably from German Dings, from genitive of Ding thing, from Old High German — more at thing
: doodad 2

Source: Source: Merriam-Webster
Pass me that thing, you know, the Dingus.
by The Real Dingus July 4, 2009
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