An engineer who does a kick ass performance, sitting his cubicle but doesn't get recognized
Harold: Dude, that guy didn't win employee of the month, again.
Kumar: I know right? He is a cubicle DiCaprio man.
by Anbeva March 2, 2016
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The feeling of nostalgia or profound melancholy as a result of moving from ones restrictive cubicle to a slightly less restrictive office. Generally caused by the increase in seclusion for other human beings due to higher walls and a door. Loneliness
Murph: "Ever since Stu got promoted and moved into his office, he has been peering over my cube. He's weirding me out!"

Joe: "Don't worry. It will pass. He just has cubicle withdrawal."
by A "Valued" Customer December 15, 2016
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Someone who sits in the cubicle right next to you when there are plenty of other free cubicles.
Man, I just needed a few minutes peace and some idiot decided he wanted a cubicle buddy.
by !Maj December 19, 2013
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A Piss Cubicle is cubicle where you piss. Because you do piss in a cubicle. Not pee, but piss. Holy Schnitzel! its 11.30 pm! Sometimes its ok to come out of the closet.
Hey does anyone want to come with me to the piss cubicle?

I have to take a long piss, so i'm going to the piss cubicle. Thanks to Miranda!

Don't worry about me, ill just be at the piss cubicle. Thanks to Kashem!

I was in the male's piss cubicle today while playing with my pink Iphone!
by wow,im tasty April 22, 2010
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The idiots on the other end of an email or work correspondence that can’t seem to do their menial jobs properly.
I don’t understand why this cubicle warriorhas so much trouble with this.
by Obscure Sarcasm November 9, 2017
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Someone who is so distressed by the prospect of not being able to access their emails for a few minutes that they insist on emailing on their Blackberry while using the office toilets. Easily identified by the tell-tale sounds of the keypad and scroll wheel.
Garry's a really dedicated small cubicle worker. You always hear him tapping away in there.
by Cuddles McStig June 9, 2008
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As defined by Dilbert (the Animated Series). Symptoms Include Blurred Vision, Muscle Joint Pain, Fatigue, Depression, and Hearing Loss. Patient will initially will Deny that they have it. If You think You have it, You have it.
I think He's a Zombie. No he's just been working alot. He's suffering from Chronic Cubicle Syndrome
by 5t4r October 3, 2011
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