When you order Chipotle for pickup and the poor schmucks who stand in line mug the fuck out of you.
I would love to pick up food for ya man but I don't want to be subjected to Chipotle Rage.
by Jkeltgen April 8, 2016
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Taking a car, bus or walk to the nearest Chipotle restaurant so that you can chill with your friends while eating, one of the greatest creations of all time, a Chipotle steak burrito.
You: Hey do you wanna do a quick chipotle run im starving!

Friend: Of course i do chipotle has the best burritos in human history!
by sprightlylemon October 21, 2010
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The ailment that affects half the population of the world. It usually occurs 30-45 minutes after ingestion, and may take a few days to clear up.
Bob has chipotle butt, so he can't make it to the concert.
by monalisuhhdude February 5, 2016
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The slightly spicy yet woodsy aroma of a scrotum near the nostrils of an unsuspecting recipient.
I was sleeping deeply until the smell of a chipotle scrotum krept into my slumbering nostils!
by Bill Shakedatspear March 3, 2019
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A soggy fetus that gets carried in rocket league
You’re trash it’s almost like you’re a tiny chipotle
by SlimyDoorknob March 21, 2020
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some symptoms include :

Bloody stool
Abdominal pain
Clogged toilet
Soupy stool
The shakes


Excessive vomiting
You take a visit to the doctor after going to your favorite Mexican hot spot.

Doctor: oh my ! You seem to be in quite a rush to go to the bathroom.
You: yah I just ate Mexican food.
Doctor: well that's an easy diagnosis, you have chipotle syndrome!
by Hulkthegiantpitbull December 27, 2017
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When you stuff your face past the full point with Chipotle food.
OMG, I've got such bad Chipotle Bloat.
by masadidas October 28, 2009
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