The greatest sports team to grace this earth since the '92 cowboys. They drop dick and piss all over .40 core softballs! Their battle cry of "CHAW!!!!!!!", which is screamed after every spectacular double play is rolled or piss missile is launched, can be heard from sea to shining sea.
Jim Adler: What are we gonna name the team?
Tx Hammer: Texas Chaw?
Jim Adler: Sounds awesome...
Tx Hammer: CHAW!!!!!!!!!!!
by MRiDropDick2 August 12, 2010
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the condition of a guy's dick after a prolonged, or particularly rough, blow job
Man, I shouldn't have done all that blow and gone to that sex club. My dick is all chawed now.
by Steven Herraiz October 4, 2014
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When a man gets a penis stuck inside of him
Fred really loves a good chaw dawg
by Smc386 January 28, 2022
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I could really go for a chew right now.

Shit man, just go talk to the chaw bra.
by H.C.Sucker May 2, 2016
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You know the little poky things on the back that are in the grass, sea wall, just ab anywhere you can step on and ruin your trip to the beach. Yeah it’s thoes things
Sh*% Gregg what did I just step on it hurts like hell (rock-a-chaws)

Hey my dog has something stuck in its paw sense we left the beach do you know what it is... no I never did
by Jacobspeddddd December 31, 2018
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