A rich preppy town filled with more white people in one town than stars in the sky.
Wow! Stop being so stuck-up, it's like you're from "Darien, CT" or something.
by messypotato2000 November 10, 2013
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A genuine rocker elf-girl. Usually seen in dark places, DJing at crazy places in Second Life. Prone to copious typos and wardrobe malfunctions, she hides it all in a shell of glorious metal glory. She cherishes those close to her, sharing her metal-sickness with them. Often called Rockstar, she can often be found stealing underpants at night- thus earning her the nickname Feral underpant-Elf. Treat with caution and dont get her wet after midnight. Also known as Dar-bear, Darbobble, and DarDar. She hangs around Willys.
I swear that elf that just stole my underpants reminded me of Darien Kazakov
by DarienKaz December 31, 2011
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A girl who is blonde, and she is a big slut bucket
Hi, I'm darien and im a slut bucket!
by amy pcon March 4, 2011
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Darien is one of the richest towns in America and everyone who lives here lives in a bubble. The town is 99.99% WASP White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Everyone looks the same and dresses the same, drives the same cars and live in million dollar mansions, and they turn their noses up at people from the neighboring towns of Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport etc. it’s a bubble, only 30 mins from the hood of Bridgeport.

Boring, elitist and full of snobs
by Lilpaws April 10, 2018
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darien yeager is a name most commonly used by males. darien yeager often over thinks and and over analyzes situations too much. At times he can be very emotional and sensitive but is always a good friend. Can be found listening to cold play and drake often. Holds conversations great and is a awesome texter.
This guy can hold a conversation well, what a darien yeager.
by Shnookims February 1, 2016
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Dirty Darien is when you spread your asshole open with clamps and stuff it like a thanksgiving turkey
He gave me a dirty Darien last night and I still feel it
by Laciecane April 15, 2020
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omega_lionheart.tripod.com is his offical website. He's a legendary troll, evil as fuck, made a trolling website called guide2trolling.tripod.com
by neverneverland April 29, 2004
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