When someone takes or steals something that belongs to you (hence Zucc as in Mark Zuckerburg and him stealing personal information).
Hey, why did you just zucc my stuff?
by UrbanTrainer December 14, 2018
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One phallus to the face
And two pumping
In an out of the anus
Why don't you come over,,
An just give me the zucc
by Give the zucc April 14, 2023
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A dickhead, queefing sound, meathead that is also pretty.
Person A: "That guy is such a Zucc!"
Person B: "Zucc that guy!"
by stupid boi March 24, 2018
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A dip or sauce, particularly made of the bodily juices of a zuckerberg.
"I want a number 6 with extra zucc"
by The great lovable zucc May 2, 2018
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A meme that came from Mark Zuckerberg but also a nice way to ask a lady to suck your dick
Me: Hey can you zucc me?
Her: What a request! Of course!
by dragonbg November 10, 2018
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(slang, noun) named after Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, means anyone working for Facebook, whether it be the facebook team, their moderators, the US Government, or Mark Zuckerberg himself. Anyone who can terminate your account for rules either already stated or not yet stated (because they haven't come up with em yet)

Also called: Zuckerfuck, Zuccypoo, Zucky Wucky uwu, Warden Zucc
Person 1: God I hate Canadians
Person 2: Yooo, chill, Zucc will throw you in FB jail
Person 1: (30 days later) Damn... you right.
by TooStoned2Care September 5, 2021
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