The most annoying thing that your girlfriend can say.
"Hey would you like to get dinner, see a movie, then perhaps go back to my place?"

by thatguy21 March 25, 2006
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whenever used in a conversation, a girl really means this:
I hope you get shot, fall off a bridge, get raped by a shark, then eaten by the shark.
Boyfriend: Hey I know its your birthday, but Ricky really wants me to go fishing. Can I go babe?
Girlfriend: Whatever...
by HOWDYBiLLY February 23, 2011
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A term that describes the annoyance of one party to another party's incompetent act / word / thought / being / family / dog / saber-tooth tiger. Also suggesting the emotions of "who gives a crap". Also can be used nicely as well!
Party One " Hey im ganna take 5"
Party Two " You guys arent aloud to take 5!"
Party One " Well we are!!!"
Party Two " Whatev's!"
by Santina/Shiela/Rachel April 12, 2008
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When the wife asks you to do something and you are unable to commit to it. When you don't want to accept it or reject it.
John: The wife wants us to go to her folks house, but I really don't want to go, but I can't say no, what do i do

Ben: Just 'whatever it' man and move on
by steveski90210 November 23, 2009
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a decker way of saying whatever
usually preceeded by "eh"
I forgot to do my math homework, eh, whatev.
by neva November 26, 2003
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Whatever can mean "I don't really care" (example 1)
Whatever can also meant "Fuck You" (example 2)
PERSON 1: Where do you want to go for dinner?
PERSON 2: Whatever, i'm not really hungry?

PERSON 1: It's you're fault we got pulled over last night.
PERSON 2: Whatever, if you would have just let me drive then we would have made it home no problem.
by HEINS 57 June 29, 2011
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Refers to the person you have an undefined relationship with.
- We hook up sometime but I don't know whether it's serious. She doesn't call me her boyfriend.
- Dude! You're her whatever
by celine34 July 11, 2008
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