Someone, usually teen girls, who think they understand Japanese culture because they watch a lot of anime. They usually use words like kawaii, desu, itadakimasu, Senpai, and many other Japanese words that these people often dont know the meaning of. They can be seen watching overrated anime like Soul Eater, One Piece, and most overrated of all, Naruto. They are the basic bitches of the anime/manga community.
An example of a weeaboo fanfic.

by Memelord1724829363e28 November 19, 2016
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A non-asian person (typically white) who enjoys watching anime and/or reading manga to an unhealthy extent that are rarely caught on film due to their speial ability to evade life with the stamina of a whale
Weeaboo begone.
by Lit_Hibiscus May 3, 2017
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A derogatory term utilized primarily by Americans to satirize someone who watches excessive anime and/or has a deep fascination with eastern Asia, primarily South Korea or Japan. Weeaboos will often glorify east Asian countries beyond realism, believing it to be a safe haven from everything, despite a large array of problems existing there. A "weeaboo" typically exceeds the average weight of a normal person, and will commonly live in their parent's home at an age exceeding 30.
Keep in mind: An individual possessing these traits can dodge the term weeaboo being applied to them as long as they keep in touch with their own culture, and behave respectfully towards the culture.
Joe rounded toe corner and saw a weeaboo. Distraught by the event, Joe ran the other way.
by McDaddy's Big Patties November 7, 2017
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Someone who prefers Japanese and anything Japan-related over their indigenous culture. They watch tons of Anime, know tiny bits of Japanese words but pronounce them completely wrong and dream of traveling to and/or living in Japan some day. Many weeaboos own a full-body pillow have watched at least 3 anime series from the 80's and only watch Hentai pornography. Signs of a weeaboo include:
-Reading a weekly Manga
-Knowing correct usage of at least 5 Japanese Honorifics (Senpai ect.)
-Ability to list 5+ Anime never shown on american television
-Eating only Japanese snacks such as pocky
-Having romantic/sexual feelings for an anime character
-Using words such as desu, senpai, and baka regularly.
-Laughing or smiling with their eyes closed. (Like in anime)
-Running with their arms thrown back (Like in Naruto)
Dude, look at Mike..he does nothing but watch anime and cosplay all day, he's such a weeaboo.
by DJCyaniide July 4, 2015
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Someone who loves anime (Japanese animation) so much that they act like their anime characters, try to speak Japanese, always talk about anime and buy anime merchandise etc. Not all of these make anyone a weeaboo, but doing one of the things that make someone a weeaboo too much can make anyone a weeaboo.
I don't consider myself as a weeaboo, but I sure do love watching anime.
by Indian anime February 25, 2017
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Someone who watches anime (Naruto, some of Hunter x Hunter), buys Rosetta Stone to learn Japanese so that he can speak like his favorite anime characters or go to Japan and be a Weeaboo there.
That kid Nick is such a Weeaboo, he learned bought Rosetta Stone just so he could talk like Sasuke Uchiha and go to Japan.
by f**k arounds March 2, 2017
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