The 7th planet from the sun, and also the punchline for stupid jokes made by stupid little kids.
Teacher: Uranus is a gas planet
Kid: hahahahaha Ur-anus hahahahahahah
by Moonlight423 August 11, 2023
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Uranus facts
Planet type: gas giant
Diameter: 50 724 km
Pronunciation: "Your Anus"

Ideal conversation topic with a friend:

You: What is 50 000 kilometers wide and full of gas?
Friend: idk
You: Uranus!!!! *laughs uncontrollably*
Friend: wtf...
You: Facts, just search uranus diameter on google and you will realise its wider than earth.
Former friend: You're in deep trouble


*1 hour later*

You: *in hospital* let's be friends again?

Friend: *also in hospital* of course, we have always been good friends
Uranus is huge. I mean, it really is.
by 200+ IQ person May 29, 2022
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1: Defines the 7th Planet in the Solar System. Is an Ice Giant with one ring. Has a predominately Methane, Water, Hydrogen and other gasses.

2: A donut up your Roo.
Teacher: Class, today we will learn Uranus, discovered by the one and only Herschel.

Student: Herschel’s Uranus?

Teacher: Correct.

Girl: Yukhh, has Uranus a brown surface?

Teacher: Ummm, no?
by DontDrink8GlassesADay February 21, 2018
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Separate the r and the a, that’s what’s so funny about this Planet! It also has hydrogen sulfide, which has the exact smell of farts
Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun, and it has a funny name
by JupiterThePlanet August 20, 2023
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A very funny planet name, used for jokes
"Uranus is a beautiful sight"
by YourLocalGrape December 25, 2022
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ur butt and a planet
this is uranus ;dad
wheres my anus;child
by jj boi April 22, 2019
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Uranus is a really big planet 🍑 It's a real big gas giant 😉😂. Uranus is so large ya know.
Uranus is so big
by Your real name is your real na October 19, 2019
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