It’s the thirty Thursday’s version for IG thots
It’s Thottie Thursday. Only share the best IG thots to your boys.
by deeh24/24/7 June 14, 2020
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Every Thursday. Your day to be goofy.
Well, it is Goofy Thursday.
by Mr. Bazinga April 13, 2022
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As 'belegede' is the local Zambian term for drunk, it follows that 'belegede thursday' is the act of drinking (most commonly in excess) on a thursday night.

This is quickly becoming a tradition among Zambian youth, with Thursday nights becoming more & more popular for heavy drinking, especially at News Cafe.
Belegede Thursday at News Cafe = PISS UP PARTAY!!!
by Belegede Baby December 5, 2011
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The day on which it is acceptable to post thuggin pictures of yourself, friends, acquaintances, idols, or strangers on social media. Occurs every Thursday of every week.
Finna have a hood thuggin thursday #tt

Dis pic be dope af. holla, we be thuggin. #thugginthursday
by Mark Gin January 17, 2014
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The second Thursday of March is Bad Thursday. A holiday celebrated in the Kingwood, TX area but slowly spreading outward. The holiday revolves around a ghost (which looks just a like a guy with a sheet over his head, sometimes pictured with a bloody tear on his 'face') which haunts anyone that knows about or believes in the holiday. Practitioners of Bad Thursday carry a dead battery with them to protect them from the Ghost's annoyances. The battery is 'dead' so the Ghost does not haunt the carrier of the battery, mistaking them as dead also.

One may also play the 'Chestaphone', or pound ones chest in a rhythm, to keep the Ghost away.
Nick: Hey dude, what are you doing for Bad Thursday?
Robert: Carrying a dead battery! You know I don't wanna get that dang Haunting again!
by Nick PimpZarella February 16, 2008
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A term normally found on college campuses, the title became popular when many people did not have early morning classes on Fridays, allowing them to drink and party on Thursday night. Every Thursday of every week durring the semester is Thirsty Thursday; there is no specific or special date for it.
Dude it's Thirsty Thursday! Stop studying and have a beer!
by Jaydoggy May 13, 2006
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When everything in the universe was created. Also, the time when many various things happened.
by Goddess_Freya May 6, 2008
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