A person who doesn't like to perform oral sex, but has been persuaded by their partner.
Go on, Sarah, you're such a pubic tourist. You don't have to swallow.
by Web Willy April 7, 2003
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A location, landmark or point of interest that is extremely popular with tourists
You need to book hotel rooms early in Bath as it is tourist-tastic and they fill up fast.
by Freddy Ngabwe April 3, 2007
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Verb, meaning to take an unnecessary and quite often stupid picture. Commonly, this picture is taken at an awkward time, with little to no reason.
Sorry to Asian tourist this breakfast, but it just looks so damn good.

Wow, did you just see him Asian tourist that McDonalds?
by ChuckDi February 1, 2011
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A terminally ill person who travels to switzerland to die via assisted suicide. It is legal to help someone commit suicide in switzerland with a doctors recommendation and the assistance of a dignitant, a person who mixes the lethal cocktail.

See also, documentary, "Suicide Tourist"
Mike decided to make himself a suicide tourist when he found out he had inoperable ass cancer.
by I'm_ur_Pushaman March 3, 2010
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a person that does the same thing when they come here as one here would do if they were to go there: take pictures, speak in their native tongue (not because they are disrespectful or unintelligent, but because they are merely visiting and observing a foreign land in order to gain appreciation for it), and get made fun of by the uneducated.
I feel no need for posting a hateful example, but there is a requirement to put something here.
by Ashitaka February 25, 2004
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Someone who visits new places at a rapid pace. They are most likely on a tight schedule or just like to go fast and be quick.
"We saw the highlights of the city in less than two hours! We are ninja tourists."

"I was a ninja tourist as I breezed through the entire museum in 20 minutes."
by yes juanito yes May 30, 2017
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Someone who works out and gets super buff and stays that way for a little while until inevitably they return to their fat state!
Bro check out John he is so fat now! Yeah turns out he just a muscle tourist.
by Black Techno Dude July 28, 2017
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