Someone who will say anything to avoid rocking the boat. They will go against their own morals and standards to make statements to please others. They shouldn't be trusted and confiding in them isn't a good idea. They are liked by many due to the fact they always have good things to say, but are not trusted by the smart ones who have figured them out. Fence riders are phony butt kissers. We all know a few, most are politicians.
Wow!..You look great in that dress!
OMG!..Doesn't she look awful in that dress!
It's not a matter of them not being able to make up their mind, fence riders say what's needed/wanted to be heard.
by CiaCiaC May 17, 2007
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Used as a word for Vicodin. Also can be said as just "Posts"
When you don't want to chance "The Man" hearing a drug deal.
Hey Roger, I just got a call from Pat,he's got 100 fence posts....5s for 2 bucks.
by phat dave August 18, 2007
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Originally a baseball term meaning to try hitting a home run. Now used extensively by for example the commentators in the UFC and other combat sports, referring to fighters striking for each other with reckless abandon, trying to get in a finishing blow.

Also sometimes used in completely unrelated attempts at doing difficult or near-impossible things.
"And Ruth was able to hit more homers than some entire teams because he played the game differently – he swung for the fences at every bat." - DodgerDog

"...Cause they're both a little fired up, and both wanna swing for the fences and make the other one look really, really bad" - Joe Rogan, Commentator, UFC
by araziel October 22, 2007
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(For males) To take it out over the top of your pants, instead of through the zipper, esp when wearing bulky snowpants
Person 1: Man, I can't find the little guy under all these layers.

Person 2: Dude, just hop the fence.
by squishee89 March 14, 2010
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The act of fencing with a pitchfork. Red hair adds to the experience.
James died during a match of Redneck Fencing.
by trenlr911 November 3, 2014
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The appearance of teeth that have not been taken care of for a long, long time.
"Your boss has teeth like a burnt fence"
by MeesterEd February 8, 2018
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