Oooooooh man... I mean... I'm only allowed to name celebrities here....
Iam "Uuuuuuuuh.... Yeah..."

Hym "PFFT!"

Iam "Don't-"


Iam "Laugh... God damnit..."

Hym "HA! Yeah, nonono, that! That shit is funny right there! Ohho!"

Iam "Salma I-"

Hym "Pffft! Ahahaha!"

Iam "Stop- It's... Look- I didn't expect it to be like this."

Hym "HOOOLY SHIT! I WROTE A FUCKING HYPER-TEXT AND EVEN I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW FUNNY THAT IS! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! SORRY BOUT THE HERESY! I'M LITERALLY HAVING SCHIZOPHRENIA IMPOSED ON MY BY THE RELIGIOUS! So.... Pfft heheheheheh... And a fat bald atheist bitch but... You know... Not you Matt. You're cool. I mean... You're fat and bald and an atheist but you're not who I'm talking about. Ha!"

Iam "Oh man this kills... This... Wow man... It takes a lot to embarrass me but.... Man..."

Hym "Oho! Wow is right! I never-in-a-million-years though that THIS would be this effective! Fuuuuuuuuuck me! Hey, am I Negan too? I'm curious now actually. I'm I LITERALLY my own favorite character in every show I'm in!? Mirio too? How many are there!? MAN!"

Iam "I'm... Sorry..."😖

Hym "Pfftthahaha! At least she's got a sense of humor about it! Damn! OHGODICANTEVEN! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
by Hym Iam August 3, 2023
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Salma is a rude girl who is very bossy she thinks shes the nicest person ever but is rude and doesn't understand why someone won't be her friend
Girl 1:i don't want to be friends with you are rude
Salma:i did nothing to you i am not rude you are
by Sum1's no1 November 26, 2021
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salma is a very challenging and creative person. they are hella feisty but also kind if you dont get on their bad side. they never give up on their friends no matter what and will stay in boundaries for peoples comfort. they love including everyone and are so kind and helpful. they are always there for another friend if one needs their assistance.

"its salma shes so creative!"
by pearlymimi March 27, 2022
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This girl is a fun friend but when it comes to promises DO NOT TRUST HER she will go back on any deal there is but she will also be there when u need her
Friend:where’s my money I won the bet

Salma: of yeah I was just kidding
by Accuratenames&stuff May 8, 2021
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Salma is a beautiful girl she makes the people around her fall to her feet, she has a sweet and dark side she might not be the best person to get in a fight with, but she'll be there to fight for you. She loves to mess with you, but she won't allow anyone else to mess with you. She brings joy to everyone around her, she's sporty and has a good sense of humor, and she's very competitive and does not like to lose, she's a good person so don't dare to lose her
Boy 1: who's that girl

Boy 2: woo-hoo there bro, that's my girl
Boy 1:what's her name though
Boy 2: she's my Salma
by KAROL WITNER July 16, 2022
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Salma is such a pretty girl. Very shy at first but when you get to know her she is very loud. Salma finds passion in cooking. She is very wifey material and she will always be there to support you or help a friend in need. She likes buying unnecessary things. Salma is a at-home person. Very chill but will always stand up for what is right or when somebody treats her wrong. Salma’s personality trade is being honest and friendly.
Salma is so nice.
She’s so chill about everything. I wish.

Her looks is nice but her personality is even better.
by November 22, 2021
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