QQ is the same as 'cry'. The word came from LoL players saying it to noobs which where spamming the chat. 'QQ some more' is just a nice thing to say when you're trolling noobs.
-"LOL NOOBS!!!!!!!!111!!! 3v1!!!"
-"QQ some more"

('noob' left the game)
by Justanothertroll August 19, 2011
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when you go to log someone out of their computer and shut it off just to annoy them.
Jimmy: Hey John
John: What?
Jimmy: Look over there!
John: Where?!
Jimmy: *ctrl shift qq*
John: I hate you
by urmumizgae December 6, 2018
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A term making fun of another player in an online game.
"I just got wtfpwned by that infiltrator"

"STFU, QQ more noob"
by Brad Pearce March 19, 2004
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Crossing off all tabs

If you Ctrl Shift QQ your boss computer,he'll fire you and you will say hahahahahahahaha
If he Ctrl Shift QQ your computer,he'll say that control , shift and q are too close together and you will say shift.
Hahahaha Control Shift QQ your computer
by Aurelius Tan is a f w/ no face February 3, 2018
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POV: You are looking at among us memes and then your teacher uses this shortcut UGH

if you use this then your a dumbass
student 1: yo kid do you want to clear all of your history on your chromebook
student 2: yes
student 1: press ctrl shift qq
student 2: *presses ctrl shift qq*
student 2: bro your a fucking bitch
student 1: at least you cant get caught amymore
by guy using urban dictionary September 24, 2022
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The phrase is derived from the word "crotch" because people like to scratch it.
OMG why don't you go QQ more noob plzkthxbi.
by LeeroyJenkins January 3, 2008
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A term directed at whiners to stop crying and start doing something.

Derived from wow mage forums, which are notorious for housing cry babies.
Per usual, the mage boards were flowing with tears when an intelligent, witty, philisophical player directed at the whiners (see Faxmonkey, beta comments) --> less qq more pew pew.
by ReeveSkywall February 5, 2007
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