an aesthetically based sexual maneuver in which the performer squats , wraps his arms around his legs and uses them to propel his body in a circular motion therefore creating a swinging of the penis and nutsack in a 360 degree swing. can be shortened to c.m.p.s for quicker use.
you: "man that chick last night was so hot how did you manage to fuck her?"

Me: i just did a chinese mushroom pendulum swing and she was so impressed with my technique, she had no choice
by anton enus November 26, 2009
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when you see your friend walk up to you and next to him is a skinny, lanky, loser this is the statement you make to your boy.
Your boy looks like a pendulum
“Lmao yeah bro mans the lankiest guy in the state of Ohio
by Urmomispoo69 May 12, 2023
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The act of putting a strap on on your back and proceeding to fuck two people, one in front and one behind. Humping between the two swinging like a clocks pendulum.
Hey Mary wanna ask your sister to do some penduluming
by YummyYummyHorse May 10, 2021
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When a man is erect wearing a strap-on dildo on his backside, he swings back and forth having sex with two women in a pendulum motion.
*Hey how was last night?
*Crazy, these two girls and I did a sticky pendulum.
by WindyStick December 3, 2014
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The ladies all seem to really like Frank's meat pendulum
by FrankM November 3, 2009
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When a man maintains a fast pace of thrusting while having sex with a woman in the Doggystle position so as the man`s balls are swinging forward and knocking against the woman's clitoris making her orgasm even faster.
Normally it takes Heather a long time to come but last night was much faster because she was induced by the pendulum effect.
by OdinSaysFold November 15, 2013
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-When a woman's labias flap back and forth when she walks around naked.
-An extremely protruding version of meat curtains.
ex. Bro 1: "Bro, you see the lips on her?"

Bro 2: "Yeah man, that was horrifying. She's got a pudendum pendulum"

Bro 1:"They just flop around slapping her thighs" *Bro 1 shudders at the thought*
by Gundarrgh October 1, 2013
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