Prime Moments Giuseppe is a Penalty Merchant. So is Penaldo and Penandez. They are all examples of penalty merchants.
Prime Moments Giuseppe is a Penalty Merchant
by Shaqiri Shaqiri November 18, 2021
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A phrased used to describe either a crazy or too young, but very attractive female. Commanly used in 2000 to present day in south lincolnshire.
man check that box out.. she is coming our way!

(female become close enough to be recognised)

Dude.... that is (insert name of local crazy or under age female). thats not box.. Thats penalty box!

Or you can find out that a girl is penalty box when u see her out in town and you think she is really fit, then on monday morning u see the whore walking to school in her uniform.. GUTTED
by knockalot May 4, 2007
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The vahjuhge of a woman who has recently finished a rigorous athletic endevor (preferably a smelling hockey game or recent rugby match) who aggresively demands cunnilingous prior to engaging in implied hygenic practices.
That chick smelled like a sock and she wanted me to give her a penalty box, so I had to go home and all that would save me was a vanity smurf.
by trevor lahey corey September 2, 2006
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A penalty merchant is a football player that likes scoring pent and cannot live without them. Most penalty merchant are from portugal e.g penaldo and penanzez.

Three clubs produce a good number of penalty merchant they are Manchester united, Real Madrid and juventus.
1) ooh Joao Felix is on his way to become a penalty merchant
2) Akinsiku,Mota po,Daniel like to miss penalties unlike chinedu and Alabo who loves scoring them
by Alanco December 31, 2021
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Ah shit Michael I stole this guy's kill now I gotta die!
Michael:well what'd you except?, Death penalty's bro
by Fortnite suck minecraft good December 14, 2019
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Hockey term used by the boys when theyre out wheeling for the night. Usually occurs when the boys have a reason to grant the first shot at her to someone in particular on the team. ie - birthday, long cold streak, etc. Relates to hockey in that a penalty shot is a free shot at the goalie with no defenders against you or in this case the hottie at the bar.
Player 1 - "Hey boys see that broadski down the bar there?"
Player 2 - "Yeah bro shes a dime. But since its Johnnys birthday well give him a penalty shot."
by JohnnyRockets27 January 17, 2012
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1. Being required to take another hit before passing because of a fax pas.
2. Being denied a hit because of a fax pas.
Dude you're not hight enough, take a penalty hit. Puff puff pass.

Dude, penalty hit: We've watched this episode already. Pass.
by Spirit Bear October 28, 2004
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