A nice lookin person who u find attractive just another word for >stush,kriss,sexy,buff)
by Charlene.w July 17, 2003
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Hey, let's pay those bumb $5 to run into signs!
by Richard Nixon April 11, 2003
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Gary was sucking Harrys big hard dick and feeling his big balls, then Harry licked Gary's arse hole then the real fun happened...

"Ah oh yeah !" Screamed Gary as Harry fucked him up his arse! "Harder , harder !" Screamed Gary as Harrys balls slapped against Gary's arse.

"Ah , I'm cumming !" Cried harry as he rapidly wanked his dick until he shot his huge load over Gary. Then Gary shot his load over Harry. They both layed on the floor covered in cum.

" I love bumming "

The end.
by yep9 November 4, 2014
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The insult "bum", is actually a term of when you burp and it sounds like a fart. Bum, meaning butt, and a burp sounding like a fart
You did a bum
by I <3 Dreadheads April 18, 2020
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1. A person who, by her own choice, is unemployed and homeless, and who lives on the fringes of society so she can beg instead of work.

2. Someone who does nothing all day and expects everyone to bend over backwards to please them.

3. Avni (Hindi for Bum)
God when will that lazy bum get off her ass and get a job already?

God when will that lazy AVNI get off her ass and get a job already?

by Mahima Banya Singh March 23, 2007
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A person that lives on the streets smells like ass runs at your car while you are stoped at a red light baggin on your window got any change? or they run up and half ass clean the windshild with a squgee and muddy water makein a mess of your car. They sit around with signs sayin will work for food while drinkin mad dog or boones farm they never make any sence when they talk and they always call you buddy. They sleep in boxs,dumpsters,park benchs with a paper over their face. They crap in allyways,gas stations,your sidewalks,the street and hardly ever wipe their ass.
That fuckin bum just splashed muddy water all over my clean window.
by tube666 November 21, 2006
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