Someone who thinks it is constructive to make you feel worse when you're already feeling bad, because in their minds, they're the only one that matters.
Person A: "Why do you make me feel bad for feeling bad?"
Person B: "I don't know and I don't care"
Person B is a narcissist
by MrsMinx January 20, 2005
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Gullible and delusional person who is persuaded everyone adores them.
Due to this misconception, they are easily victims of con-artists and hoes.
They need to be closely followed to avoid they harm others of themselves.
Narcissistic Notes: Facebook page about narcissists and narcissism.
by Narcissistic Notes Fb page October 7, 2014
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commonly self absorbed, insecure, needy, self centered, selfish lover...who when cannot brag outright (which rarely happens)... is sure to give himself a "backdoor brag"
narcissist, Jihad F Saleh Williams
by soniamayor07 October 26, 2009
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Having a huge interest in oneself's appearence.
1): I'm a very sexy man!~

2): Nobody can be as beautiful as me!

3): I'm too fabulous for my own good~

(The Word Being Defined In A Sentence)

1): John, you're way too narcissistic!

2): I already knew Brittney was a self-absorbed, narcissistic, conceited, bitch.
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Some shit your mother didn't tell you that you were growing up.
No my darling, you're not narcissistic, you're selfless and only think of others.
by Solid Mantis February 7, 2018
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A person who believes his or her own lies.
A person in love with themself.

Paris Hilton is a complete narcissist in thinking she is pretty but she is not
by Banal Nee Josh December 22, 2007
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