Nancy she’s a kind loving girl 💓 she is really nice to her friends she’s really pretty and nice and has a good heart she’s tall thicc and funny she cares for her friends
Guy: That girl is really nice and pretty
Chris: yeah that’s Nancy my gf ❤️🥵
by Smelly potato salad November 2, 2019
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A girl who is very kind and caring, Nancy always makes everything better and even though she can get angry very easily she always makes your day great. So be happy if you have a Nancy in your life!
Look here comes Nancy, let's make this the best day ever!
by Wow pow July 22, 2019
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A guy who cannot stop being a pussy long enough to take care of his kid, and allow the world to stop hating him for it. Usually the "nancy" is characterized by not paying child support, being a complete ass to his child's mother just because, tries to reunite with said mother when she moves on in life, or is constantly cheating.
1.) Dude: "Hey J where's that child support check at?"
J: "Oh I'm getting next month, Nancy has to not work and play his online games first and foremost."

2.) Neil Kabal of Vassar, MI
3.) Brandon Howard of Newport News, VA
4.) People on Maury
by BeachCat December 10, 2010
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Nellys level of fancy - extraordinaries fancy stuff
„Look at this sealing, it is gold coated!„
„wow, this is so nancy
by Nelly1998 November 16, 2019
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Nanci is a person who loves and cares for her friends, family and partner. She is very pretty, caring, smart and a sincere person. She will always be truthful and trustful, you can always rely on her. Nanci is a really nice, caring person when she finds the one she will love him forever. When she says ur the one, you know she loves you. Nanci is a really nice friend she will treat you good and care for you no matter what. Nanci would be the best friend in the world she is very funny, she will make you laugh when you are upset, and will help you with any problems you have. Nanci is incredibly cute without any makeup on, she is stunning without even trying. Nanci loves to help people out with anything no matter what it is she will try her very best.
Person1: I love that girl, what's her name?

Person2: her name is Nanci

Person1: that makes sense
by December 17, 2018
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‘Nancied’ (Adj.) – When a player goes "All In" in a game of Poker (Texas Hold 'Em), with little chance of winning, but eventually secures the winning hand after the flop, usually on the river (3rd & final round), and often without knowing that they have actually won. This player is said to have ‘Nancied’ her opponents.

From an alternative point of view: When a player with a strong hand on the flop (1st round) or the turn (2nd round), and gets knocked out by an opponent using the above strategy, it is said that s/he has been 'Nancied'.

This technique has been repeatedly demonstrated by legendary poker player Nancy, from Caroline Springs (Victoria, Australia), who is notorious for her incredible luck and cluelessness.

The term is also used in a wider context around Melbourne, when someone has been a victim of a fluke or extremely good luck, despite being in a strong position in the situation.
“Mate, I had a straight on the flop and went all in. This guy called me with a pair, then ended up getting a full house on the river!!”
Yeah mate, you got Nancied.”

“Bloody hell mate, I was going to hook up with that girl, but then that drunk guy started hitting on her! He had no idea what he was doing, but she liked it!”
“Yeah mate, you got Nancied.”

“Damn! I was totally Nancied in my interview today! Turns out the other bimbo I was interviewed with knew the interviewer!”
by RSiZe July 11, 2008
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Nanci is a very beautiful girl she cares so much about her friends her family and partner. She cares about her education very much. She also has a very beautiful dog and a great personality!
Every single guy wants to date Nanci.
by Annie Garcia March 18, 2017
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