Usally considered a girls name,but some

unfortinate guys havethis name as well.

For a guy definitonof Mackenzie, see; Mack
Alexander Mackenzie
Mackenzie Crook
Mackenze Astin
Mackenzie Green
by twoboy5 January 24, 2013
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A very sexy girl, with a nice body, usually blonde-brunet, smart, falls in love just to get her heart broken, Albert's are good matches for her, looks good in anything pretty much, pretty, big boobs ;), would be good at sex, good at giving guys blowjobs and handjobs (so let her give you one), nobody appreciates her as much as they should, creative, seductive, gives guys boners, guys masturbate to her occasionally, saving herself for a special guy, a gamer, good in bed, dirty-minded, quiet until you get to know her, think burners are sexy,and would do anything to or for her boyfriend.
Mackenzie is the best girl in the world
by LoveLifeForever 4350 January 16, 2014
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Beautiful young girl, whom everyone wishes they could obtain but only the few chosen do so. Only compatible with matt's and no one else. get over it
Mackenzie jo and matthew grant forever
by mgl30 February 9, 2010
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Mackenzie is a wonderful girl. She's beatiful and usually has very pretty eyes. She has a one-of-a-kind personality. She's very funny and a bit crazy at times, but you will love her. She has a tendency to be bad at maintaining relationships, because her trust with guys is terrible. But when she loves someone, she will give her all to that person. She is a very fragile person, who gets hurt very easily. So be careful. She tends too be very sarcastic, but not to the point where she's rude. But she's a very sweet person as well. Mckenzie can have bad self esteem issues over a simple comment..She doesn't realize her real inner and outer beauty and all the power she has with it. But if you ever have a Mackenzie in your life, be very thankful. She will give you everything she has to make you happy.
"Mackenzie is beautiful"
by Secrets are always let loose December 21, 2018
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It's a fucking name. Doesn't mean anything. IT'S A NAME!
Person 1: Hey Mackenzie what did you get on question 2?
Mackenzie: 3
Person 1: Thanks.
by Howtobeaperson101 April 23, 2018
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