A character from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony who got two people killed and openly laughed at their deaths. Despite these actions, mentally underdeveloped females within Jared Fogle’s age range often say that he is a cinnamon roll who did nothing wrong.
Kokichi stan: “OMG Kokichi Oma did nothing wrong!”

Anyone who’s played Chapter 4 and has a decent understanding of basic morals: “You’re one of them “special” folks, ain’t you?”
by Danganronpa porn November 24, 2019
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The ultimate supreme leader (liar-)
Hates: Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu
Likes: (yes i do ship shuichi and kokichi UwU) Shuichi
Poo: do you like kokichi oma?
Pee: no
Poo: why?
Pee: its a lie!
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Ouma kokichi is the best danganronpa character ever. hes cute. smart. and sly. He knows just what hes doing and hes a pure love. im gonna marry him. yes. marry him

Ouma kokichi is a god and needs to be respected probaly or punishment with death
"whos Ouma Kokichi?"

"my fucking husband"
by Ouma kokichi's girlfriend February 11, 2017
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"The single most awesome supreme leader in history." - Kokichi Himself

He has been revealed to think having a secret (self proclaimed evil) organization in November 2016 and his age is unknown, although he is rumored to be around 16/17.

He was mostly seen running around in a straight jackets and was presumably a

He died (January 12, 2017) while he did an experiment with a friend with the hydraulic press.

It's revealed that Kokichi Ouma has been killed. His murderer is still not found. His friend is the main suspect. Although locals believe it's a suicide

He was known by the locals by once Pulling a Komaeda, thus killing 2 people indirectly in the process.
by It’s Chicken September 1, 2017
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A hot purple ass looking liar who’s also a gayasss.
by Kokichiouma November 11, 2022
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this is the best ship in the world. ellis loves kokichi with their whole heart and kokichi feels the same. ellis talks about kokichi all of the time and kokichi is happy.
ellis has so many photographs of kokichi in their room and will never take them down
ellis has liked kokichi since the 21st june 2020- ironically kokichis birthday this defines their undivided love which means they are soulmates
kokichi x ellis is cannon!
by unknown dadda February 28, 2022
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