When you organise and plan with someone for a reasonable period of time only for them to pull out the night before or day of with buillshit excuses.
I planned to sell my car on saturday but old mate Jibbed me
by SpoiceDandy November 5, 2019
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jaws,jaw,mouth and/or using any one of them excessively.
"I met this chick at a party last night that I thought was hot,but all she wanted to do was run her jibs about her ex-boyfriend,I was SO not into that."
by Hybridbird March 2, 2005
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To suffer a massive loss from a scam or fraud from one of your friends
Man I got jibbed by Jibran man he lost me $50,000.
by Mikethag0d January 26, 2021
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Buggery with a difference:

Normally done whilst buggering a young lady (typically one who rides side-saddle).

The young lady ingests a piece of ham or bacon tied to a fine thread, which the man holds whilst buggering her.

As the man is nearing ejaculation he pulls the thread, along with the attached piece of meat, which causes the woman to heave (convulse).

A side effect of the heaving is for the sphincter to contract violently around the man's penis, thus hightening sensations and giving a more powerful ejaculation.
"Damn it Daphney, that's the last of the bacon. We'll have to use the honey roast ham for our jibbing session this evening..."
by Esteban Lorenzo February 6, 2004
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a marijuana ciggarette, joint, spleef,
they where smokin a jib, and passing it to the left
by pretty ricky December 13, 2003
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To jib into a football ground is to get in without paying. There are numerous ways to do it, go in straight behind someone else, jump the turnstiles etc.
"Alright mate, mind if I go in behind you? Lost my ticket.."

"Fuck off you jibbing cunt"
by iagz September 4, 2007
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Something that isnt worth shit. Anything that has no value
Those niggers are JIB
by NJ_REBEL August 28, 2005
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