To go out drinking and not make it to work the next day. Originally from Ivan the Great who was renowned for heavy binge drinking. Then being out of action for days
"Where is Steve today?" "He was celebrating his girlfriends birthday last night and is doing an Ivan today"
by 69TH September 22, 2017
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A complete asshole with a passion to want to fuck. A guy who tries to get with every girl. Ivan is a guy who will tell lies to a girl to think that it's true love but it's not, just sex, and will treat every girl with no respect. Would ask for nudes as well. They think they are the shit when they aren't. Just trash with a little bit of shit on top who will only date a girl for their body. Look up ass, that's Ivan. A person that will make girls cry and want to die. Ivan just would not care to fall in love, just be with girls for sex, who lies when they said I love you. By the way Ivan would be in a porno with the smallest penis.
Ivan: a FUCKBOI, arrogant, rude, obnoxious, or just a total dickhead.
Hey! Zach your an Ivan be proud to be an asshole
by Tyrone John. R December 21, 2016
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Ivan is not what he seems. He will turn on you in an instant, for he only accepts what benefits himself. Many will approve of Ivan, but when you peel off his artificial personality you will see what really has been bestowed upon you. The average Ivan is male and gets what he wants through brute force. An Ivan may also use you. Ivan will use your natural sympathy against you. Because once you have been in trapped with his ability to make you feel bad for him, you will suddenly lose everything you had. The average Ivan has a good haircut and an oversized under chin. He will make it seem as though he is a piece of shit and when he gets you to acknowledge that you will never want to lose him.
“Woooooooow, this kid just told me that he has no friends and that he wants me to be his friend. Must be an Ivan.”
by Defined w January 3, 2018
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A hot guy, Alex arnot's brother. For more information see Alex Arnot
1. Wow, you are so good looking you must be Ivan, also known as Alex's brother
by Kerplunker45 August 15, 2004
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Ivan is a jerk kind of person. He may seem nice at the beginning but at the end he is a heartbreaker. He is a very smart person BUT not that handsome sometimes.
Yo your smart but mean. U are a Ivan
by MwahahahAhahahAHAHSHYDUCHSH December 1, 2019
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¨hey man did you see Ivan today¨ ¨yes he was kissing boy¨
by commiehoe May 11, 2018
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Bad fortnite player that has a .3 kd. Has no game awareness and is married to Renee Wang.
Person 1: Hey do you know any bad fortnite players?
Person 2: Do you mean Ivan’s?
Person 1: Yes I do, my bad. Also, do you know who is married to Renee
Person 2: Yes, that would also be Ivan.

Person 1: Alright thanks!
by Jamesdchu13 July 19, 2019
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