There once was a boy named Julian O’Toole
Who wanted to be the most fly kid in school
Though he had lots of friends, and they liked him a lot
He wanted to be at the totem-pole top

So he pictured those boys in the social elite
And wondered aloud, “But what makes them so neat?
I’m smarter than they, and I think that I’m hot,
So what do they have that I haven’t got?”

Julian imagined them all: Micky D and Brad J,
And their cheerleader girlfriends named Sue and Renee
And of course there was Doug, and his fuck-buddy Peg
“But I’ve got it!” He cried. “They all hu on the reg!”

Now “hu on the reg” – just what does that mean?
Is it something you do? Is it something obscene?
It can mean many things, like making out on a date,
Or meeting each Thursday to go fornicate
by irenasuckcockski April 4, 2011
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Some random scholar on the Internet wrote an essay on why Hu Tao should be removed, even though I don't know who Hu Tao is. Anyways here is the essay.

Topic Sentence: MiHoYo should remove Hu Tao because Hu Tao is really evil.

Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, MiHoYo should remove Hu Tao because of her actions. She killed two innocent Milliteth soldiers, bullies the citizens of Liyue and the rest of Teyvat, and joking about a sensitive topic; death, and showing racism towards Hilichurls.
by ganyumalawi April 24, 2022
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Why tf is Hu Tao being hated on >:((
by i am d u m b November 22, 2021
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a variation of "who dat?" that makes it look just as stupid as it sounds...but i like it anyway?
yo yo yo hu dat beee?
by some kid. February 22, 2004
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hus p is a name that is given to an alien/person that is good at math and a proffesor, They usualy have alot of confusing personalities and struggle to fight em off, good with words but often gets confused with others , and can make you laugh or smile or even cry who knows, thinks hes cute and says hes confident, but name sounds like handsome, a photogenic model like yass queeennn work uhuh, and pose oh snap haha what, apparently talks shit but what,sounds cheesy sometimes lol, gets tired but always claims they arnt,best friends with everyone's dad, loves purses and jewelry and of cours shiny things, mesmerized by them, can read trough words but not trough phones,slow at reading goddd, in love with cars and nothing else besides de food in life,bad at changing topics, amazing talented artist award, destroys words, knows peopls sleeping schedules but deffinetly not a creep, Helps people no matter how far they are, a good shelter giver, doesnt know that the yellow heart is actually worth so much that its actualy gold, loves kids, a princess stuck in a tower, tall but short man,loves his freedom, wont be home till after midnight, likes old people, but is a good person and who ever gets to talk to them is lucky, cuz they a good friend, very trustworthy and good at cheering people up.
man that hus p said he cute so he won't send selfies.
Hus p a professor who teaches math in drawings.
that hus p fella sick man not ill tho.
Hus p chill dude like woah.
Hus p didnt invite me again.
Hus p a good guy though.
That hus p makes people laugh.
Hus p said abdul left him, sad.
by animelover4u101 October 13, 2019
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always there for you, even when times are tough. Samuel Hu always gets an A+
by Samuel Hu June 1, 2022
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tu hu is the short and rather cool way of saying "turn up hook up".

'tis usually used to describe the night you had or will be having in the near future and 'tis definitely a verb.
Example #1
Michelle: Are you ready for tonight?
Clarissa: Yeah girl, I'ma tu hu tonight

Example #2
Jane: What'd you do yestereday?
Johnny: I tu hu'd at this party in the valley, I got with the hottest girl there.
by Cahndy November 12, 2013
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