He is such a hoss they should call him doctor.
by JL52 and Tjbirdfan April 20, 2008
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He is such a hoss they should call him doctor.
by JL52 and Tjbirdfan April 20, 2008
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hoss To force something,using to much force. Without finesse - hossed
You would have landed that fish,but you hossed him.
by reb January 12, 2005
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To be raped by a large dong. named after the hoss dildo Measurements: 13 x 2.75 Inches
Damn that test was hard. It hossed me for hours
by heathen at frightfan December 3, 2009
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When used by a white person, this word means the coolest badass that ever lived and connotes a sense of brotherhood. It is a term generally used in the South among males between the ages of 16-24.

When used by a non white person, this word is used to describe a white person who thinks he is way cooler than he actually is. The stereotype hoss according to the non white person is an 18 year old high school football player with a truck and a cowboy hat, who talks a big game but has a poor education level.
Steven Scott looked up to the characters on Varsity Blues and wanted to be a hoss just like them.

Tyrone Mofugga saw a bunch of hosses riding in the back of a pickup truck yelling "faggot" to everyone passing them by.
by Tyrone Jiggadubz March 3, 2010
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