virgin homeschooler just means someone that has been homeschooled since day one (kindergarten or preschool) or someone who has never gone to a private or public school then graduated from high school.
"That person is a virgin homeschooler. That person has been homeschooling since kindergarten."

"That person is a virgin homeschooler. That person has been homeschooling since preschool."

"That person is a virgin homeschooler. That person has never gone to a public or private school."
by emukid4 March 16, 2009
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A person who is socially awkward, doesnt know how to speak with people, wears strange clothing with pictures of cats and or other animals,cant get a decent mate and has long hair that resembles a horse tail.
The Duggar Girls from the TLC show "13 and counting" are very homeschool retarded.
by coolestgirl1989 October 18, 2009
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Food that public school kids would never eat. Homeschool Food tends to be a pale brown color. These foods include but are not limited to: Fig Newtons, Granola, Shredded Wheat, Wheat Thins, Kashi, and Angel Food Cake.
Roxanne (a public school girl): My mom puts HoHos in my lunch.

Reagen (a homeschool girl): HoHos? That sounds like a really inappropriate snack. My mom gives me Fig Newtons for treats but only if I give my best effort at my violin competitions.

Roxanne: Fig Newtons? Psh that's such a homeschool food.
by CGW October 1, 2009
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The strong effort exerted by homeschoolers, especially their mothers, in attempt to get their children "involved" with extracurricular activities to help the homeschooler to feel like they have a social life. Some homeschoolers are oblivious to the "homeschool effort". These are the ones that most actively engage in it.
Phil's mother tries to get him involved in the local homeschool group activities, but Phil detests his mother's "homeschool effort".
by littlebeeper September 15, 2009
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While often seen as socially awkward, this person actually gets no snow days and wastes time on sites like this.
Man, you on UD again? Such a homeschooler..
by so pro February 7, 2011
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A character on who only makes one appearence in the whole thing. He's in Bubs's Dancing video.
Hey kids, its the Homeschool Winner!Rock on!
by coolpersonyo August 29, 2003
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Though not a true disorder, this epidemic is plaguing children and teenagers worldwide, hitting the homeschooling community most of all. It is characterized by a lack of conforming to social cues. While those afflicted can understand social cues, they simply don't care; believing that everything is about them and nothing can have a negative reaction.
Person 1: That dude doesn't even care that he's acting like a douchebag.
Person 2: Wow, he must have Homeschooler Syndrome.
by b0ogerbrain500 June 18, 2010
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