Civilian Growler
Civilian Growler is pussy that belongs to someone you know from everyday life like the gym, work or the pub.

E.g. The girl asked “wanna a pic of my pussy?” He replied “it’d be nice to see some Civilian growler amongst the sea of porn pussy my mates send me”
by Civilian Growler December 12, 2018
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a turd that refuses to expel itself from the anus, thus resulting in a grunting growling sound emitted from the person trying to make the poopy.
hey Bob, what was that sound? Well Dan, I had to pinch a growler.
by papa jojo 042072 July 29, 2008
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When two bros take shits at the same time in adjacent stalls
Yo, Jeff, want to go work out a double growler with me?
by bigsexydlinn May 27, 2010
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The fine spray from a woman's Growler Vagina Cunt Pussy Twat Gash when using the toilet. As the piss exits the grower at speed and under pressure the stream can hit the flaps causing a fine mist to form and settle on the toilet seat.
Oh for fucks sake I had to use a public toilet and some filthy old hag left her growler mist all over the toilet seat!

Mum I have told you time and time again not to spray and walk away, clean up your growler mist!!
by fynnez 'n' fonz April 1, 2016
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A vagina with a very unusual odor; usually unpleasant
Sammy: Did you talk to Debra earlier?

Gerald: Yeah, I could smell her wafty growler from 50ft away
by Wafty growler July 9, 2014
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A collection of pubic hair around the female Genitalia which resembles the style seen in seventies porn.
It could be compared to the hairstyle of 70's/80's pop sensation Leo Sayer.
Well, I removed her undergarments and I was quite shocked to find a preponderance of pubes which resembled an afro wig. It was a real seventies growler, I didn't know whether to commence intercourse or stroke it like a pet dog
by g gekko July 6, 2010
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When you are showering with someone you press your buttocks against the wall and break wind; protruding a rumbling flatulent sound and vibrating the walls of the shower. This sounds much like a growl from a woodland critter.
Tina and I were making passionate love and she pushed me against the wall. I couldn't help but let a shower growler loose, thus ending Tina's want for any wigglin'.
by J W O August 12, 2011
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