Exam Exhaustion (a.k.a EE) is the sudden feel of drowsiness one feels after completing an extensive assessment. Effects vary depending on the victim and may last for several hours.
Dude I just finished writing that biology exam and I feel like I'm going into hibernation, I think I got a case of exam exhaustion.

Yeah man, happens every time.
by neighbourhoodbroski June 24, 2011
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When a man (typically over 40) gets his insurance to pay for someone to stick some fingers up his asshole.
Me: I'm going to the doctor for my prostate exam.

Friend: Are you sure you don't want me to finger bang you instead?
by BlackMambaBoughtMeARing September 30, 2015
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When you're so busy and consumed with school, exams and studying that you forget, confuse or aren't able to remember the rest of your schedule.
You must have exam brain.
by S Black December 15, 2013
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An exam that is taken as part of a college application and is typically unaligned to anything other than itself thus requiring one to take an extensive costly prep course in order to learn its disparate content and style. Heavily used to convey birthright in the United States since the early 1940s.
Ah yes, we'll devise an entrance exam to measure whether someone can afford a test prep course, and thereby measure whether they can afford our tuition. This will enable us to screen out applicants that we would have to give a need-based scholarship to while pretending we're being meritocratic.
by Star Cruiser October 24, 2015
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An exam in which the teacher makes so difficult the entire class fails. He can then "resculpt" the class to give the kids he likes the higher grades and the kids he dislikes the lower grades, according to a bell curve.
I better start kissing up after that putty exam.
by Street Urchin April 6, 2004
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The body you receive near the end weeks of a school term due to assignment/exam stress, caffeine and lack of sleep. A feel of heaviness or laziness may be caused, as well as an increase of mass in the stomach, thighs, arms and so on. This body tends to wear off post exam weeks due to a better wellbeing and more chance of sleep rather than study.
"Bruh you up for some booging? (bodyboarding)"
"Nah, I'm rocking the exam bod"
by Mazzakazoo May 31, 2018
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Short term for Enema-gland examination. This is an inspection of the anus to determine whether an enema is required prior to it being penetrated by a "gland" (penis). This method is used to minimize the effects of 'stink dick'

Popular usage by teens in Tasmania, Australia.
"Mate, I heard you went through the backdoor last night, how was it?"
"Horrible mate, she failed her England exam. I spent half the night looking for a 24/7 pharmacy to pick up an enema and a pack of condoms."
"Sorry bro... at least you didn't get stink dick"
"Yeah true that, ay bro."
by hoxtoaster June 9, 2015
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