The wild papi churro is known to be found snorting lines of coke meth and addaral off a New York hookers titties one way to determine if you’ve found a pure bread papi churro is by the distinguiishingly large horse cock the only way fo safely approach a papi churro is with cash or credit he’s not picky he’ll take some pussy too watch out of his psychotic demon child ninja samurai with a katana who will molest u they’re very swag creatures once u befreind them
Damn who’s that

That’s papi churro

I heard hes cock dragges on the floor how long it is and he slays dragons while bangin broads

Oh damn I wanna suck his cock
by Papi churro pp sucker February 24, 2022
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When having sex with a woman, shortly after climaxing, pulling out and sprinkling sugar and cinnamon on your dick and then having the woman give you oral sex.
Hey man I gave my wife the "hot buttered churro" last night now she loves it!
by 007Troll69 October 25, 2013
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U AND CHURRO ARE GOING TO BE TOGETHER OR EVER. It starts of as a crush but then it evolves into a beautiful relation ship that is perfect.
Alanis: Hey you know the boy Haileys crushing on?
Lauren: Yeah why?
Alanis: They are like churro dipped in nutella now a days if you know what i'm saying!
by holasayhahaha October 9, 2017
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A Sloppy Churro is the act of lathering your penis in melted butter, followed by a thorough coating of cinnamon sugar so that the penis appears like a delicious churro.
You Know What a Sloppy Churro is?
Yeah. My girlfriend has a hell of a sweet tooth if you know what I mean ;)
by The real John October 2, 2019
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Before ejaculating, pull your dick out, cum on your partner and then proceed to throw cinnamon and sugar on the sticky mess.
My girlfriend asked for a churro in bed , so I gave it to her.
by Churrofanman April 13, 2016
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Traductor google de español a ruso
Español: el churro
Ruso: Бафомет
by LasagnaDoggy May 1, 2019
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a person who likes to think they are sweet but deep down they are a cynical, lying, conniving, asshole.
"Stop trying to by me flowers you fucking Churro!"
by HealthNuts June 22, 2017
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