An online entity that usually preys on women and tries to be whitty and clever but fails at all attempts. The Nicky Dick Bag generally derives from the homococksuckulous species.
"Yo bro you see that Nicky Dick Bag getting owned"
"Damn you're such a Nicky Dick Bag"
"Why are you acting lke a Nicky Dick Bag?"
by ManacondaMofo December 28, 2011
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A term used to describe something disgusting, unhealthy, boring, slow, or unnecessary. Something generally undesirable.
"My old car was just a bag of sweaty dicks"
"This party smells like a bag of sweaty dicks"
by Kneegrodamus July 9, 2013
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Adj. The tired feeling of sleepiness after beating off multiplied by an entire bag of beat dicks. ; extreme tiredness
I just ran five miles, I feel like a bag of beat dicks.
by Bertdogg54 June 15, 2015
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An instance of extreme elation similar to the felling experienced by a homosexual when trapped in a bag filled with his food of choice.
"I just won the lottery in the middle of a recession and now i'm happier than a fag in a bag of dicks!"
by The Bay Area Stranger April 20, 2009
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The brutal art of absolutely destroying a man's no-no zone with your shin at such speed and with such a tremendous force, you effectively castrate him.
Person one: Yo man, did you hear that Ethan just got shin bashed in the dick bag by Big Bully Bobby
Person Two: Holy fuck is he ok?
Ethan: *Limps over* AW SHIT MAN MAH BALLS! *Collapses dead on the ground*.
by MATE I HUD A ACCIDENT BOI HELP November 20, 2019
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To be extremely tired or fatigued to the point of being worthless.
Glenn: Do you want to go snowboarding?

Maria: Not today, I'm as tired as a bag of beat dicks!

Glenn: Damn, that's tired!
by Glizzy G December 3, 2008
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