a snake ass hoe that has not life and that got fame from jake paul
teacher :what are snakes
kids:alissa violet
teacher:very good!
by unknown101001 December 10, 2017
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alissa violet is a beautiful, gorgeous,preety,and cute human being.she use to date jake paul aka a snake.she is now with her amazing boyfriend that treats her like a queen and spoils her aka faze banks.she also is now in clout gang an amazing group non like team 10 which no one likes and also team 10 is dying so ya.also her catch phrase is “CAN I GET A HOYA” awe.she also inspires so many ppl it’s amazing.
by itz._.dxddymia June 10, 2019
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Alissa violet is the most beautiful girl on earth, not only her features are pretty but also her personality, she is funny, helpful, smart, kind and beautiful. She got recognized when she first started vine with her ex Boyfriend "Jake Paul" a.k.a Snake Paul and later joined team 10, then got kicked out by that dickhead Jake. He lied to everyone and said the reason why he kicked her out was because she cheated, which was a total lie it was the other way around he cheated on her and said she did just so people wouldn't hate on him (which clearly didn't work, well except those 10 year old brainwashed SnakePaulers) She then joined the cloutgang and moved it with Ricegum, Sommer ray, and her current boyfriend Rickey (banks) who treats her like the Queen she is. People say she got famous because of Jake Paul which is so not true, he just introduced her to the internet and then People decided to like her, it wasn't him who made the choice if people like her or not, also Alissa created most of Jake's career, he got millions of views on his videos when Alissa was in them, but when she wasn't in team ten his views went down and lost a whole bunch of subscribers
Alex: If you could smash anyone who would it be?
Albert: Alissa Violet
Alex: Apart from her obviously.
by Urban Dictionary & Thesaraus February 3, 2021
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A kick-ass and extremely hot singer and songwriter of the metal band The Agonist
The girl is awesome! With a strong growling voice and perfect clean vocals, she puts a lot of metal singers to shame.
She has been chosen twice as the hottest chick in metal by Revolver.

Also, she is a very down to earth and sweet person.
The Tempest is a kickass song by The Agonist that features the range of her vocals.

Alissa White-Gluz has a brutal voice but she talks to her fans so sweetly!
by shakalakaawohoooo March 17, 2011
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