
Foreplay to frotting, where two limp penises are smacked together until peak arousel occurs. Once both penises are fully engorged ample frotting will inevitably occur. See frotting.
Jared was very upset after his miserable performance that day, so Tyler took it upon himself to cheer him up with copious amounts of violent fropping,which lead to a long enduring session of sweaty, hot frotting. Vivaciously.
by CamNewton January 11, 2011
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Frame rate drop. Combination of FPS (frames per second) and Drop.
"I was playing Crysis, when suddenly the game started fropping."
by kungfujedis January 13, 2010
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A combination of free and shopping generally to denote stealing or shop lifting.
I need a new DVD want to go Fropping?
by Calmor January 19, 2010
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I fropped my Nokia... so had to actually walk to Pizza Palace.
by ouchmyphone June 28, 2010
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The state of mind you ascend to when inhaling the smoke of burning frop.
Or just another word for getting baked.
By "Bob" I'm so fropped now!
by KushBlazer420 March 4, 2006
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1.) To be excited or hyped up.

2.) To be turned on, or sexually aroused
3.) Synonym for getting "RekT"
Dan: "Wow I'm just so fropped right now!"
Ronald: "Why's that?"
Dan: "Alyssa asked me to me to prom!"
Ronald: "Wow you're a fag, the guy is suppose to ask out the girl. Man up Dan."


Kevin: "Wow HD Porn really gets me fropped!"
Ben: "Really Kevin? We all know you're gay af. Everything gets you fropped."

Lame COD player: "Get no fropped nerd! Get RekT!
Other COD player: "Stop being a homo."
by LycanTheThrope April 23, 2015
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