Zoen is a male name commonly used for chubby babies. Zoen means “Kiss” in a variety of languages. If you’re name is Zoen you probably are very fluent when speaking to women and can score fairly easily. Most people with this name also have a wide sense of humor meaning they are always the funniest person in the room. And if you ever get lucky enough to get a date with a Zoen then you should never let him go because he cherishes girls more than anything in his life. The last thing is that all Zoen’s smoke weed, trust me.
by Aiden back March 14, 2018
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One who shits in their girl and then proceeds to fuck it.
I did the dirty zoen to my girl last night.
by Leonard Hassel February 1, 2022
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The Perfect Couple. Both names start with a'Z'. Both Are idiotic- A Match Made In Heaven. At first they will be very shy when meet, but as they know each other more their affection for each other grows.

"It Was Love At First Sight" The cute couple said when they were interviewed.
Zave X Zoen Is Simp
by Hi Zave September 29, 2020
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