Twisha is a name that is not very common. Just like the name itself, anyone with this name has a super special and unique personality. Twisha is a hidden gem that once found is used to forever "brighten" your life. The name's literal meaning comes from a sanskrit word that means "bright". If you misunderstand her good intentions it is your fault. Twisha is the kind of person who doesn't give a fuck about gossip or rumors, she's true to who she is and she knows that. Twisha isn't an open book like most flashy girls, she is mature, understanding and complex. All her personality aspects are exceptionally beautiful. She is a keeper for sure. The only thing she can't tolerate is being betrayed. She'll love you to death if you are worthy, if not once she realizes sorry friend you've lost your chance with her.

Twisha is an extremely beautiful person.
Twisha is one of a kind
by waterisrunning October 20, 2019
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Twisha is a Sanskrit word which means Bright.
We names our baby girl Twisha
by trp123456 August 8, 2017
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A name for a funny, cute, beautiful and smart girl . An adorable, flirty kid with witty banter and a lot of jokes. A Twisha is often very pretty and smart, with impeccably classy fashion taste. She's always very funny and extremely sensitive, but she will dirty look you or glare at you until you burn. Do not mess with a Twisha, she might look small and innocent, but she is an evil mastermind who will make your life hell. Twisha is a born leader, and is always a straight A student. It is impossible to overestimate a Twisha- she can do anything and everything. Very talented- if she can be bothered. Side effects of a Twisha: can be intimidating, rude, stubborn, or known for being boy crazy. She likes boys who is very sporty, funny and witty with a lot of banter, not to mention, very hot . Twisha's can be over controlling sometimes also, just because she wants to do well in everything . Sometimes a friend of a Twisha won't take her seriously because of her dont carish attitude and funny jokes, but she will have the last laugh in the end, be careful. Twisha's don't have explosive angry bursts, but ages of cold fury. She will smile,hug or chat you forever and openly act like she loves you, but she always hides her hatred inside.

Twisha's are often INTJs or ENTJs or ISFPs. They are Gryffindor or Slytherin, good or evil, kind or bitchy. But there's a Twisha for you- a bright ray of sunshine!
Oh my God , that's Twisha!

Twisha's are crazy, oml
by Tsiana1287291 February 8, 2020
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A type of persona online (mainly on twitter) with an edgy personality that would harass users simply for doing the bare minimum such as replying to a post and then get hated on for it. May even stalk your account to make you look bad and get their followers to harass you too. Can be very manipulative and could also participate in cancel culture with people they don’t like.

Also, their humour are usually based on stan twitter and memes that would tell people to end their lives as a “joke.”
Person 1: I just got harassed by a random girl online. All I literally did was reposted a meme that seemed interesting and they’re telling their followers to send death threats.
Person 2: Oh boy… you got a Twisha in your case. Just block abs report them if possible. Nobody should be treating you like that.
by yourbestiefriendleo May 18, 2022
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n. an angry person.
she was so twisha that it made me mad!
by anon6723 November 15, 2010
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horny twisha is the last stage of horniness on that stage your pants just burst with cum........your room floods with all the moan louder than ever.......and you wanna fuck the next person you see regardless of the sex
me: yo dude i was so horny twisha last night that i accidentally fucked your mom
friend: you did what?!
by uaregay121 November 26, 2021
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