9 definitions by zoeh

Great, fantastic. Exceeding good. Often used before "one".
That movie was a guude one.
by zoeh December 3, 2004
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That shirt is a guudie.
by zoeh December 3, 2004
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The oposite of a guudie, something extremly horrible. Coming from the word "child molester".
That is NOT a guudie, it is a child.
by zoeh December 3, 2004
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One who suffers from a large mushroom cut.
Alex used to be a major mushroom in grade four, now he's a major hottie.
by zoeh December 3, 2004
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a place that you let things out of the rear end aka a toilet or washroom.
says Susie- Excuse me mother, i need to go to the piss pod.
mother- sure darling, but go fast, remember last time.
by zoeh December 8, 2004
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After being juvenized in egg smelling water, normally found in the country.
Someone who's legs have been submerged in egg smelling water.
After that bath we became eggleggs.
by zoeh December 3, 2004
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