3 definitions by yourfavouritegroupie

Silkes are people with no personalities, or even called "seuten" in Dutch. They are usually blond and short. They are tired of life and hate school with a passion. If she is a Capricorn...RUN! But they can be nice at times when you know them well🙄. And quite pretty as well.
"Who is that girl with no personality?" "I don't know, she must be a Silke."
by yourfavouritegroupie May 23, 2022
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A stunningly, breathtaking, amazing, charming and educated woman. She's sexy, clever, witty and has an attitude. If you ever become her friend, you will regret all those years you never met her before. She has a great style and has an exotic kind of beauty. She's the kind of girl you meet once in the bus and never forget afterwards. When she talks, you become hypnotize by her accent and forget everything around you. She can dance her ass off and does make up like a pro. She'll give you advice on how to get any men, as she is usually a pro and will make you glow up, just by being in your presence.
"Did you met Kissia, already?"
"Of course I did, and I can't keep her out of my mind!!"
by yourfavouritegroupie May 24, 2022
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Not quite the best person to be around with. Often short with brown hair. You would be surprise to know she carries knives inside her purse...Ellen is also an acronym for Extremely-Lame-Loveless-Exhausting-Narssictic.
"She is such an ELLEN"
"Ugh, I know"
by yourfavouritegroupie May 24, 2022
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