4 definitions by yetanotheruswntmemepage

Another name for Ayan S. (Indian celeb.) The word "groundforg" refers to a mashup of groundhog + forg (misspelling of "frog"). It is unclear whether a groundforg has a groundhog body and a frog face, or a frog body and a groundhog face. It is meant to be left to the imagination.

"Groundforg" is usually preceded by the superlative adjective "Kyootest," as in the case of its original subject, Ayan S.
Ayan S. is the (Kyootest) Groundforg in that story about the ferocious jungle animals with soft hearts.

Nobody is a kyooter groundforg than Ayan S., and that is a fact.

Very few groundforgs exist in the world, but Ayan is the #OG.
by yetanotheruswntmemepage May 16, 2023
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Preath in its verb form. Can be used when speaking of any action American footballers Tobin Heath and Christen Press did or currently do together, though there is usually a suggestive connotation. They could be standing next to each other simply breathing, but Preath fans would say that they are Preathing.
"Look at Tobin and Christen over there. They're totally Preathing out!"
"The November camp gives them many opportunities for Preathing."
"Look! They're eating at the same restaurant! They're Preathing!"
"When Tobin and Christen are Preathing, it's bittersweet because on one hand I'm like 'aww' and on the other hand I wish I had someone like that."
by yetanotheruswntmemepage November 5, 2019
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The ship name of American footballers Christen Press and Tobin Heath. Has been speculated since approx. 2015, and despite abundant photographic 'evidence', has never been confirmed. Most commonly used as a noun, but can occasionally be an adjective. Sometimes used when fans are too lazy to say "Tobin and Christen".
*Christen scores off of Tobin's cross* "Gotta love that Preath connection!"
"I hope Preath is in today's lineup."
"Did you see Christen's Insta story? So much Preath content!"
"I used to stan Talex, but now I'm hardcore for Preath"
by yetanotheruswntmemepage November 5, 2019
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A common hairstyle among lesbians. The lesbun sometimes isn't a bun at all, but a really small ponytail. Often worn with either buzzed sides or hair at the back. The lesbun has been sported by celebs such as Ashlyn Harris, Hannah Hart, Megan Klingenberg, Tegan and Sara, and Rose Ellen Dix.
"Remember when Kaycie cut her hair? Now it's down to just below chin, so she can only wear lesbuns."
"Considering the way she walks and that killer lesbun, I think you might have a shot with her."
by yetanotheruswntmemepage September 11, 2019
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