19 definitions by y u looking at my name???

The first three and and last three of every row on the keyboard, no symbols
by y u looking at my name??? June 10, 2022
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You probably are in math class and all the unblocked games are blocked. So instead, you decided to type this out of boredom and entertainment. Hope your bored. If you are, then you can hear my story!

So basically, I am in math class and all the unblocked games ARE blocked, and so I typed this out of boredom and entertainment just like you! I was really surprised that no one had actually defined this yet! So, since my boredom was still hanging out with me, I decided to define it and tell you this story! *Clap clap* Thank you for reading. I hope your boredom has died.
bob: hey im bored and i already typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, and plokmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaq!
mr. nobody: have u typed qazqwertyuioppl?
bob: no, thx! my boredom has died and surrendered.
by y u looking at my name??? March 31, 2022
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You have dived deep into boredom.

You skipped the first THREE and the last THREE letters on a standard qwerty keyboard, but did it backward, so you end up with uytrhgfv, instead of rtyufghv!!! You clearly are bored!!!
miss person: im bored, wut should i type????
mister person: have u tried rtyufghv????????????????????
miss person: yea
mister person: how about uytrhgfv??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
miss person: nope. wow some people actually defined this! thx people! my boredom died!
mister person: but i told u to type this.
miss person: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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hey u
ur bored, otherwise u wouldn't have googled this. u thought urban dictionary didn't have it well, YOU ARE WRONG!!! this qwerty combo is made by running your finger across the top row left to right, the middle row right to left, the bottom row left to right, then u go back up to the numbers and run your finger across them from right to left.
mrs. nobody: hey, mr. nobody, im bored.
mr. nobody: u googled all the qwerty combos?
mrs. nobody: yeah.
mr. nobody: have u tried qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm0987654321?
mrs. nobody: no. thx. im no longer bored.
by y u looking at my name??? April 9, 2022
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by y u looking at my name??? June 11, 2022
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im so bored that i decided to type whatever urban dictionary has as default text besides this...
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these are words.
by y u looking at my name??? April 13, 2022
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HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm the first one to define this amazing author who wrote The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl, The World Ends in April (I also defined that book), Millionaires for the Month, and many more!!!
SUCH AN AWESOME AUTHOR!!! There. It's defined now. An amazing author. Period, no matter what anyone says! So yeah.
human being 1: who is the best author in the world cuz i need book recommendations
human being 2: Stacy McAnulty. she's awesome! she wrote books for tiny little toddlers and books for pretty much middle schoolers!
human being 3: yeah. im 11 and i read most of her big books (listed above).
human being 1: thx.
by y u looking at my name??? April 13, 2022
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