3 definitions by xqubit

A way to excentuate a point of surprise or realization.
One minute it was there and then the next, SHAZAAM! In the butt!
by xqubit November 2, 2004
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An uber ninja for the digital age. Not only possessing the skills of a finely trained samurai, but the ability to speak in broken computer lingo while maintaining a superior intellect and always gaining ground with the ladies.
I was such a 1337 Ninja, I didn't even realize that I got shot.
by xqubit November 2, 2004
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Bodily fluid of the cyber sense made up of little 1's and 0's usually released after watching online pr0n or cybering.
He E-cums all over the keyboard, releasing a flood of 0s and 1s on the poor girl on the other side.
by xqubit November 16, 2004
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