2 definitions by xTrippleZero

Steven Colbert, father of truthiness, on trustiness: "It's not even a word."
by xTrippleZero March 3, 2006
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A city in the northwestern portion of Ohio, a few miles from the southern border of Michigan, so it has the filth of Detroit, and the white trash of the rest of Ohio. The Point is one of the few nice neighborhoods in Toledo, and is just off the Ottowa River. The only problem is that you're not supposed to swim in the river, because it's toxic. Toledo is a city that never really grows. Neighborhoods rot and decay away, just to be built over so they can be unkept and rot again, costing the city (which is already in considerable debt) millions of dollars each year. Regrettably, with the exception of Cleveland (please don't laugh too hard) and Colombus, Toledo is one of the nicer cities in Ohio, except for the Neo-Naziis and race riots.
I want to move to a city on the southern coast of Lake Erie... like mabye Detroit or Cleveland. Then again, I'm a white supremacist... so I guess I'll head for Toledo, Ohio.
by xTrippleZero April 24, 2006
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