2 definitions by xMr Anonymousx


noun. (Sh-nick-L . Frit-z)

Snicklefritz was originally used in Pennsylvania Dutch Country, where Snicklefritz is an affectionate name for a mischievous or overly talkative child.

"Schnickelfritz" was the name of a somewhat popular comedy band in the 1930s

In 1953 Billy Wilder both directed and co-wrote the Oscar winning war drama "Stalag 17" About a WWII PoW accused of being an informant within the camp. One scene in the film involves the PoWs betting on mouse races for cigarettes. one race involves two mice named Snicklefritz and Equipoise. Snicklefritz loses to Equipoise when it stops to chase its tail during the race. (This could be the origin of word in the popular comedy "Pineapple Express" rating Snicklefritz as a low grade of Marijuana)

From 1992-2006 a Canadian children's television series called "The Big Comfy Couch" about Loonette the Clown and her doll Molly, who solve everyday problems on their 'Big Comfy Couch'. In the Show, Snicklefritz is the character Granny Garbanzo's scallywag cat.

The 2008 Comedy "Pineapple Express solidified a whole new definition of the word within the Marijuana Subculture.

Snicklefritz is referred to in the movie as a very low grade of marijuana. This exact translation has weaved seamlessly throughout the subculture's dialog as to still be used to designate the lowest grades of marijuana or any random strain. This is widely accepted throughout the U.S. as the most common and popular definition of the word.
Dude, my dealer told me he had Northern Lights, but when i got there all he had was Snicklefritz
by xMr Anonymousx February 3, 2011
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Round Table

noun. A Drinking game

One person starts by asking "who wants to play round table?" the person asking cannot explain the rules until everyone at the table has answered yes or no.

once the players are established, the person asking tells them them that the game has everyone look at any alcohol on the table, and pass it around till it is all gone

usually played at the end of a party when there are leftover bottles of alcohol
A: Look at all these half empty bottles of tequila
B: What do you guys wanna do with it all?
C: Who wants to play Round Table?
by xMr Anonymousx February 2, 2011
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